It takes you wherever you want to get

It takes you wherever you want to get

Brücke HR is passionate about human resources, about showing the path to self-knowledge, to professional growth and about finding the best place to thrive.

Our objective

To be a trustful bridge that connects every person and organization to the place they want to be and meet their desired goals.

Our way to reach it.

We know that laying solid and strong foundations is the most important step to whatever you want to design, build, or path you would want to take. This is how these strong foundations are built by us:

In depth knowledge and understanding of person’s and organization’s needs and goals.

Being a companion in the process of change and growth thanks to openness and self-knowledge.

Promoting challenges and strategies that will be solutions generators, change motivators, and relationships strengtheners.

Services to Companies

In Brücke HR we know that people make the companies, not vice versa; that the right person in the right place is capable of achieving great results and add incalculable value; and to find that right person can be challenging.

Staff Recruitment

Because we like challenges!… Is the reason why we offer a complete service of Staff Recruitment.

We are orientated to a variety of positions (Operational, Administration, Technicians, Middle Management, Top Management) focusing on each of the following stages:

Immersion into the Organizational Culture and the profile assessment

Designing and posting of the job offers on the specific websites and social media

Identifying and applying accurate interviewing techniques (basic, based on Competencies, Assessment Center)

 Providing the selected candidates and job references

 Helping with the job placement and orientation before and when hired

Learn more about the additional services we can provide you!

Services to People

Brücke HR trains, guides, and accompanies you in your job search leveraging your employability.

Job Search Advice

Whether you are looking for your first job, are unemployed or searching for a job change, Brücke HR will comprehensively and personally advise you covering every step of the job search process.

You will get to know how to build your own marketing strategy

You will gain techniques on how to thrive in an interview

You will learn how to generate your own materials successfully: CV / Resumes, Cover Letters, job search websites, LinkedIn

And the most important thing is… You will enjoy your job search!

Learn more about all the services we can provide you!

Group Workshops

 Design and build of CV / Resume + Job Application

 Build your Cover Letter

Prepare for an interview

Strengthen your image and market yourself

Contact Us

Contact Method:

ARG: +54 9 15 3519 2894

USA: +1 (925) 278 0515